Sunday, October 21, 2007

my life : updated

has been really busy. I practically have a test every other day. But I like it. I look forward to going to all my classes. Maybe it's my friends that make school easier.

SAN DIEGOis growing on me. The first time I moved down here, I wasn't enjoying it. The night-life was a bore, the malls could not compare to the malls in L.A., and friends? what friends?

It's actually getting better now. It's damn healthy down here and the weather is weird but awesome. I'm starting to enjoy being down here. I'm even considering staying after I graduate. Not too close to L.A. but not too far either.

life is confusing. I'm going through a change in my life and I'm at that point where I don't really know where I'm heading. There's just too many options and choices to make. I always think that "I have to choose the one that means most to me..." but it's easier said than done.

I don't really want to get into detail about my dilemma because I'm already getting confused, imagine you.

my mom is in the philippines for business. I miss her. I know when I moved out of the house, I barely saw here, but knowing that she's half way across the world, makes me miss her more. My sister is back at home, doing her first year of college. I'm proud of her and sometimes I kind of envy her for who she is and knowing who she is at such a young age. Heck, when I was 18, I didn't know who I was. I guess kids these days grow up faster than how we did. I swear, I'm talking like Im old.

I get to go to Chicago this Thursday through Sunday. It's a short vacation, but I need it. I'm going with Ollie and our friend Nadine to visit her boyfriend. I can't wait. I get to wear my sweaters and jackets becuase I heard it gets pretty cold there. I finally get to put my winter clothes to use.

So I guess that's about it... I need to do my drug cards for my Pharm. class. I have 45 more drugs to go. Yay! I'ms o looking forward to it.

Here's a look at me, two and a half years ago. Dude I was so fucken ugly hahah!


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